I begin this study with an example of the use of instant thought-forms.
Our cat had decided to run from the house at the late hours of the evening, which is a bad thing because the coyotes are more likely to catch cats at early morning and evening hours. As well, we have some chicks, and the cage was open.
Calling the cat's name wasn't working. Instinctively, I vocalized the I-rune, Isa. Our cat froze in place. His chest and ribs were panting with excitement, ready to kill. I evoked the rune again, and our cat froze in place. I walked up to him, and picked him up.
Now, for the majority of people this seems like complete nonsense. Why would an ancient and outdated language do anything other than make good decoration for medievalists? Well, there is a reason, and it may or may not have anything to do with the runes at all. At least, not in the ancient and traditional sense. Though, it could. It depends upon how one looks at this study.
So, how does it work?
I've studied runes for several years. During this period of study I infused the meanings of the runes with my will, and I practiced signing the runes, inscribing them, and vocalizing them. Over a period of years, these runes get nested into the subconscious mind. Thus, when we project the runes, we are creating an instance of coincidence, which will have an effect upon the objective world.
This rune in particular, the Isa rune, can also slow or stop other things in the objective reality, and even stem unpleasant thoughts from the subjective reality.
People, however, are prone to making a big mistake about the runes. The runes need not be a religion, or at least not a stringent religion. Rather these are the tools by which we may share 'universal' magic and lore, technology and spiritual exploration. With the runes we can transform the world. Yet, it is really our own conscious wills which gives the runes their power. This is not to say that there are no pre-existing thought-forms assigned to the runes by the ancients, or that spirits could not have passed along this knowledge or technology to ancient man. This is as well all too possible, and there are means but which the spirits can communicate to us through these runes, and they have--at least in my own experiences. For instance, while I was in Japan, I called upon U-rune, and the ground shook. So, I focused my will into the earth, deeper, and called upon u-rune again. This time, I asked the rune to calm the earth, as we were expecting a huge quake (which eventually we had in Kyuushuu). The result was that my particular area in Japan was free of quakes for nearly one entire year. After the power faded, and the forces of nature took their toll, the power of the rune wavered, and the great quake came and split Kyuushuu in half. (See Kyushu / Kyuushuu and drone footage of quake, on You Tube).
The fact of the matter is, so I long as we associate the runes with something that is both within ourselves, and is also part of a cosmic model, then we can effectively have influential power over TELLURIC forces, animals, communities, and much more.
Moreover, the ancient runes make a great system for personal and inner exploration. I was at one time a heavy smoker, and by concentrating on the u-rune for some months, I became interested in ceasing to smoke, and I took more interest in physical health. It was coincidence, because I had no intention of quitting smoking before studying the u-rune. It came to me.
Moving beyond the runes as a fixed system, one can begin exploring the archetypes in more personified ways. The Asatru people had myriad god-forms, and these gods and goddesses are able to answer the serious student. They have for me on some occasions, and most are helpful. There is, however, a dark side to the runes, and these are not as people of our modern times would ordinarily understand the forces associated with this dark side. We can look to terrible Odin (really one aspect of the same good and wise Odin), and we can look to Thor or Thundar, Thunder, who is also called Tor. These names may imply wrathful and Tor-menting spirits. So, it is this writer's suggestion that the beginner student heed caution when working with any of these entities. For instance, even working with the spirit patterns of Solomon one should be mindful of the forces one is working with. In my own experience, I once tried to contact Carnesiel, the Emperor of the East, and to my surprise there came 31 landslides, which I had not associated with the entity. However, a couple of years later when I was rereading over the description of these wandering spirits, I saw that there are exactly 31 princes (as they are referred to), and the correlation while merely coincidental does signify a need for caution. Luckily I had my own abilities and adjurations set in place, because I witnessed the mountains come down around me, and the streets flooded. So, implement some caution into your work. As well, some intelligences are so incredibly intelligent, and given the added benefit of being outside the space/ time continuum, they are unpredictable spirits.
A spirit for the purposes of magic is any pattern which can communicate and be communicated with. This, in essence simplifies a lot of territory for us, where ordinarily such studies can become quite complex. You may, if you care to, add to the I-rune the concept of banishment, as a backup for your work.
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