Kindle Fire

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Telluric and Atmoskinetic Power Magic

It was when I was a child that I discovered a deep connection with the earth and the cosmos. However, it wasn’t until I came into contact with my mentor when I was a teen that I learned how to channel this ability, and develop other psi skills. The spirits, if you understand me, brought me to my mentor. Through him came the great teaching I required, or that the universe required of me.

Atmoskinesis was something I had a bit of a talent for. Yet, I learned also, with practice based on a hunch or intuition, that I could also influence the earth telluric forces, as well as solar and celestial forces to some degree. Not only could I pull asteroids, turn these into meteorites and direct these, but also cause a calming in the earth for a time, on up to an entire year. That is, I was successful in quieting earth activity in Japan’s mainland, particularly in the area I resided, throughout most of 2015.

Can this power or gift be used or directed to help the American continent?


However, it would require that I work at it full time. Unfortunately, no agency has been willing to donate any funds which I require in order to eat and pay the expenses of living.

I wrote years back that we would see the earth turn into something like sand in a paper jogger. That is, all surface structures fall to the bottom, and stuff on the bottom rises to the surface. I erased most of these accounts and posts for reasons I need not explain. However, you will begin to see scientists announce this data very soon, if not already.

Quakes are not isolated to earth activities. Rather, this mega quake fore coming is a relationship between heavenly bodies in a highly volatile electromagnetic universe. Thus we must expand our scope of the ultimate understanding of how nature works, before we assume we know what is actually occurring in these cataclysmic times.

There are a number of devices which can aid in the atmoskinetic and telluric magics, for which I have written of in some detail in my books. The hexagram board can aid in transforming climates, dissolving typhoons, and in use as a spiritual healing apparatus. The sowilo spinner or kinetic mill (electro rhombus) can create new currents in the environment, or amplify prayers and thoughtforms to spectacular and dynamic levels, and much more.

Such devices will work better when someone like myself employs them. However, with practice even the uninitiated student of the occult can make these gadgets do something spectacular with the universe.

There are some less complex gadgets which can help change conditions in the environment. For instance,


This light rod projector connected to a helmet can project your mind’s images into substance of any kind, actually.

 In essence the future can be programmed to a degree harmonious to universal will.
More on this to come...

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